Indoor plants for oxygen

Snake plant
  • Snake plants are one of the particular plants that converts Carbon dioxide in to oxygen at night which makes it an ideal plant to keep in your bedroom
  • It has the ability to remove harmful pollutants and carcinogens like co2, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethylene and toluene
  • Snake plants can handle shade, direct sunlight, being watered too little, drafts, and dry air. They don’t need to be repotted often and rarely get pests.
  • Snake plants release oxygen and add moisture to the air, which can help reduce airborne allergens like dust and dander.
Spider plant
  • It can thrive in various climatic conditions whether over watered or under watered. it also increases humidity of the room.
  • Studies have shown that spider plants are good at cleaning indoor air by absorbing chemicals like formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, and carbon monoxide in homes or offices.
  • Spider plants are safe for pets. But Swallowing small parts of the plant can cause chocking or upset the stomach. Make sure to place away from the pets.
  • Research shows that having spider plants in hospital rooms helps surgical patients recover faster compared to rooms without the plant. These patients need less pain medication, have fewer problems with blood pressure or heart rate, feel less anxious or depressed, and leave the hospital sooner.
Areca palm
  • Anthurium is an easy-to-care-for houseplant that prefers bright, indirect light.
  • It thrives indoors and acts as a natural air purifier which makes it the best indoor plant for oxygen
  • Known for its air-purifying abilities, Anthurium removes pollutants like formaldehyde, ammonia, and xylene, improving indoor air quality.
  • A healer in Belize uses anthurium leaves for arthritis and rheumatism.
  • Boil the leaves in a pot, then sit over it with a blanket.
  • Wrap the leaves around the neck and back to relieve muscle aches and cramps.
Jade mini plant
  • Keeping a jade plant in your house not only improves its aesthetic quality but also it scrapes of all the toxic impurities in air ,making it good for breathing.
  • Jade plants are wealth magnets. In many cultures jade plant is a sign of wealth and good fortune.
  • No maintenance needed, they can thrive in harsh conditions however avoid keeping it in direct sunlight.
  • Propagating their offspring are easy, just snip a stem and plant it . It can grow in t a new plant.
  • The heartleaf or sweetheart philodendron has shiny, heart-shaped green leaves and looks great on tables or as a hanging plant.
  • These philodendrons are very popular in homes and offices because they thrive even with little care and are hard to kill.
  • They help remove toxins like formaldehyde from the air.
  • Water well, then let the top half of the soil dry out before watering again. Yellow leaves mean too much water, and brown leaves mean the plant needs more water. They can also survive in low light.
zz plant
  • The plant cleans the air by removing toxins like xylene, toluene, and benzene.
  • ZZ plants are low-maintenance and can survive with very little sunlight and minimal watering because their roots store water.
  • These plants can help reduce stress and have positive effects on health.
  • In parts of Africa, ZZ plants are used medicinally, especially for treating earaches with their leaves.
  • Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, Anti-inflammatory properties makes the plant medically valuable
  • chrysanthemum flowers dry quickly as they can be used in garlands and bonquets.
  • It is a good indoor plant for oxygen which makes it great air purifier by absorbing harmful air pollutants.
  • Skin Care: Aloe vera gel is soothing and moisturizing, making it great for treating sunburns, minor cuts, and skin irritations.
  • Hair Care: Aloe vera can nourish the scalp and hair, promoting healthy growth and reducing dandruff.
  • Digestive Aid: Drinking aloe vera juice may help with digestion and relieve symptoms of heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • Immune Support: Aloe vera contains antioxidants and vitamins that support the immune system and overall health.
  • Wound Healing: Aloe vera’s anti-inflammatory properties can help speed up wound healing and reduce inflammation.

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